Central Slovakia Gallery in Banska Bystrica - Slovakia

The Central Slovakia Gallery in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
The Central Slovakia Gallery in Banska Bystrica belongs to the oldest
galleries in Slovakia. It was established forty years ago during the
formation of regional galleries network. At the beginning, the profile of
the gallery in its collection, exhibition and artistic, and research sphere
was aimed at regional art of l9th and 20th centuries. In 1970 the
orientation of the gallery at Slovak and foreign graphic art was anchored
in the statute of the gallery which gradually brought about several,
in Slovakia unique, periodical events and thus ensuring the gallery
supraregional character.
In the course of its forty years history the gallery has changed its name
and premises several times and the present, satisfactory solution was only
achieved at the beginning of the 90's. During that time the Central Slovakia
Gallery in Banska Bystrica became one of the most prestigious cultural
organisations in the town and region. By its size and quality of its
collection (above all of graphic art), as well as its exhibition rooms it
ranks as the third largest gallery in Slovakia after the Slovak National
Gallery in Bratislava and the Gallery of the Town of Bratislava.
Thanks to its activities after the social and political changes, the gallery
has gained the reputation of one of the most prestigious exhibition and
collection institutions. The present priorities, which should ensure its
further qualitative growth, are, above all, comple-tion and new processing
of works in its collections and their computerisation, extention of
international exhibition co-operation and creation of permanent exhibition
of Slovak graphic art.

From its history
In 1955 the town of Banska Bystrica celebrated 700th anniversary of
granting the town's privileges.
Contemporary artists living and working in the town brought to its mind the
town's ancient and strong artistic tradition and topical cultural need,
and initiated the establishment of the gallery. On 1st September 1956 the
gallery was founded by its separation from one of the oldest museums in
Slovakia (the museum in Banska Bystrica has been in existence since 1889),
as the third regional gallery in Slovakia.
In 1958 the first permanent worker was appointed for the gallery, and the
gallery was alloted its basic collection fund of 145 works and also its
first (and for a long time the only) working premises. A decade later it
was already a prominent artistic and scientific working place with national
and international range of activities.
After the period of limited cultural and political competencies and
conceptions - after the period of 25 years, the gallery strongly confirmed
its professional authority in both Slovak and international context.
It recorded its most dynamic development in 1967-1971 and after 1992.
During the first 35 years of its existence the gallery was managed by
artists, since 1990 by fine art historians.
The activity of the gallery has had a wide spectrum from the very beginning.
Among its tasks there dominated art education including the care for art education
development in Central Slovakia and efforts a imingat establishment and concept ual
direction of other regional galleries in Central Slovakia (Dolny Kubin, ilina,
Luenec, adca, Martin).
Incomparison, the crucial professional work - collections creation was
at first narrowly regional, limited to so-called Banska Bystrica artistic
circle of l9th and 20th centuries. This specialisation had and has had up
to now its reason. Since the end of the 60's the gallery has achieved a
significant profile in the areas of collection creation, science and
research and exhibitions.
On the one hand it has remained a regional gallery, on the other hand it
has surpassed the regional framework in national and international
sense. The gallery follows the art of the region from the beginning of
realism (the last quarter of l9th century) up to now in all its artistic
departments, kinds and forms but it also evaluates and demonstrates
regional individualities from the view-point of national art culture.
In the area of graphic art the gallery is of national importance.
It makes research, presents, and through its collections it documents
Slovak graphic art and, at the same time, makes evaluations in
supranational, international framework. In graphic art the gallery has
the national priority as well as inter-national professional activities
and authority.
In all fields of its activity the Central Slovakia Gallery in Banska
Bystrica has had one unique feature from its beginnings up to the
present time: it works with contemporary art and functions as a
professional working place of the "first contact" with emerging artistic
values. It has assumed and carries out a demanding task of distinctly
distinguishing among emerging works of art those values which will
outlast their time and outgrow the place of their origin. This programme
has placed the gallery the to the fore among the Slovak professional
working places especially since 1992.
Then the gallery transgressed the region and also the national framework
in all artistic kinds and fields, namely in the area of research and
exhibition activities. Among the regional galleries in Slovakia the
conception of the Central Slovakia Gallery in Banska Bystrica is the
most differentiated one. Its exhibition, research and collection
activities cover three independent units: art of the region and Slovak
art, Slovak graphic art and foreign graphic art. The gallery has been
unique for 30 years for its specialisation in graphic art (both Slovak
and foreign) and prominent with its programme oriented at contemporary

Fuer Kontakt:kokolelebi@aol.com