Frans van der Lugt

Also known as Pater* Frans was a Jesuit priest from the Netherlands. Born in The Hague to a prominent banker’s family. In the 1960’s he left the Netherlands for the Middle–East, moving to Syria after having studied Arabic in Lebanon for two years. That’s where he chose to live the remainder of his life, dedicating his time to helping those less fortunate than himself, regardless of their nationality or religion.
We regularly see Syria on the news, in one such segment is where I first saw and heard about him, in a Youtube video that got played on the news. I didn’t immediately recognize him as a Dutchman, I saw an elderly religious man speaking flawless Arabic, requesting help for the people in the Syrian city of Homs which is currently still being torn apart by a horrible civil war.
The reason I chose Pater Frans as my hero is because instead of living the luxurious life of an overpaid executive to a giant bank like his father and brother he lived his life as a humble man. Despite following a certain religion, not condemning those with different beliefs, like many religious people do. Helping those less fortunate than himself. He declined being evacuated from the city by the UN as long as there were still people starving.
On April 7–th 2014 he was murdered by Muslim extremists.
“He always did good to all, with gratitude and love, and therefore he was loved and respected by Christians and Muslims.” – Pope Francis.
I view him as a saint from our lifetime, someone we should strive more to be like, regardless of religion of nationality.
* Dutch term for a Catholic priest
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