Hannie Schaft

Jannetje Johanna (Jo) Schaft was a Dutch communist resistance fighter during World War II. She became known as the girl with the red hair (in Dutch: ‘Het meisje met het rode haar’, also the title of a book and film about her). Her secret name in the resistance movement was Hannie.
She joined the RVV (Raad van Verzet). The things she did included spreading illegal newspapers and bringing guns which she hide in a babycar to other resistance fighters. She had red hair, which made it hard for her to do ´illegal´ things because she was not difficult to recognize.
I went to a school in Zaandam named after her, and every year on the day one of her friends died during an execution, June 21, 1944 (I was born on June 21) we went to the place where Jan Bonekamp (the friend I meant) was shot by a corrupt policeman named W.M. Ragut. Ragut was killed as well, but he succeeded to shoot Jan Bonekamp in the stomache. Bonekamp died later that day.
Hannie Schaft was a woman who stood up for her country even though she knew it could cost her life, which eventually happened.
On March 21, 1945, she was arrested. At the police station, they found out who she really was when she was forced to wash her hair (by the time she was arrested, she had painted her hair black, which made it harder to recognize her). On April 17, 1945 she was killed at Bloemendaal by a shot from behind, after she said she shoots better, when the first bullet missed her. On November 27, 1945, ze was burried at a special honour cemetery. Queen Wilhelmina, princess Juliana and prins Bernhard were present that day.
I think Hannie Schaft was a real hero, because she stood up for what she believed in, which was a happy and free world where everyone has the same rights.
She really is one of the reasons I am proud to be born here.
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