Herman Brood

Herman Brood was born on the fifth of November 1946 in the Dutch city Zwolle can be considered a true hero. Brood, also known as the rock and roll junkie was one of the most influent Dutch Musicians of all time. Known for his Wild Romance band and his art which most is exposed at the Amsterdam Art hotel. For one an absolute Junkie, for another a true artist.

Instead of paying attention at school, Herman decided to play the piano in the bankrupt factory of his father. In 1964 he made his first entrance in music with joining a local group called The Moans. The Moans mostly performed for American soldiers in west Germany. Because of the long hours made with these performances Brood was given drugs to stay awake. Most consider this as the start of his drug addiction. Brood also joined the Dutch bluesband Cuby And the Blizzards. But when they found out about Brood’s drug abuse they decided to cut Brood from the band.
Brood is mostly known for his career with his Wild Romance. The single Saturday Night hit the 23# place in dutch musiccharts. After Brood’s suicide his song My Way covered of Frank Sinatra stayed three weeks as number one in the music charts.

As an artist Herman was very creative with his graffiti art. Most of his art can described as pop art. Herman Brood did a lot of graffiti in Amsterdam. His inspiration was in everything he did or lived through.
With the use of pencils, paint and spray cans Herman got himself caught in a true adventure. Everything he has seen in his life he putted on his art pieces. Everything he made was considered as eye catching because of the striking colors he used in his art. But the use of striking colors wasn’t because he wanted it that way. Because Brood was colorblind he couldn’t make sure that the colors he used were the ones he wanted them to be.
Brood his music and art were not supposed to stay in the Netherlands and surely they didn’t. His art is bought by a lot of art collectors around the world. His music was also a true source of inspiration like it was for Black Francis (Former Pixies member). All of his songs on the cd Bluefinger are inspired by the music of Herman Brood. One song (You Can’t Break a Heart And Have it) was literally covered. The album title Bluefinger is a synonym for someone who lived in the Dutch capitol Zwolle.

Because of the drug and alcohol abuse Brood’s body was not able to live further anymore. After the failure of a couple of rehabilitations it became clear that Brood didn’t have long. Brood decided not to wait for the end to come and committed suicide by jumping off the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel the 11th of July 2001. In his pocket he left a note saying ‘’ Maak er een groot feest van’’ translated: Make it a big party.
Some people were surprised by his death, others weren’t. Some people claim that Brood was working on a project with the collaboration of Ray Charles and Ann Peebles. Although we can’t enjoy the result of that project, there’s still a lot to discover about Herman. And because of his art and music I can consider Herman Brood a true hero.
Çà êîíòàêò/fuer Kontakt: helden_und_heilige@abv.bg