Sankt Botvid

Aer ett av Sodermanlands skyddshelgon och han kom fran Botkyrka. Han vaxte upp pa foraldragarden Hammarby. Botvid blev enligt legenden kristen pa en handelsfard till England. Han fick stor betydelse genom att sprida tron bland enklare folk. Vid den har tiden var manga av dem fortfarande hedningar. Sankt Botvid och flera andra skickades ut for att kristna malarlandskapen, och de vigdes som missionsbiskopar.
I Botkyrka kyrka finns Sankt Botvids kvarlevor, dit de fordes nagra ar efter hans dod, enligt legenden ar 1129. Sankt Botvid omtalas som helgon redan pa 1190-talet. Han finns avbildad i manga kyrkor i Malardalen. Sankt Botvid aterfinns ocksa i Botkyrkas kommunvapen.
Sankt Botvid framstalls med tva attribut, fisk och yxa. Fisken paminner om ett mirakulost fiskafange som fyllde tva batar fast platsen var inte var lampad for fiske. Yxan ar hans dodsredskap. Botvid ledsagade en frikopt tral till kusten och antas ha blivit drapt av denne nar han sov pa Rago utanfor Nykoping.
Efter Botvids dod reste hans bror Bjorn en kyrka till hans minne. Den blev en pilgrimskyrka, dit manniskor fran ett stort omrade vallfardade. Den heliga Birgitta namnde Botvid i sina uppenbarelser.
Botvids existens har inte ifragasatts da alla historiska dokument ar samstammiga vad galler honom och hans familj. Han levde i en brytningstid vilket marks bland annat pa det sa kallade Botvidsmonumentet dar det finns inskriptioner med bade runalfabetet och pa latin.
Saint Botvid
Is one of the patron saints of Sodermanland and he came from Botkyrka. He was brought up on his parents' farm Hammarby. According to legend Botvid became a Christian while trading with England. He became important because he spread Christianity among people with a simple background. A big part of the population was still pagan. Saint Botvid and several others were sent as missionaries to the landscapes around Lake Malaren and they were appointed bishops of mission.
The remains of Saint Botvid are kept in Botkyrka kyrka. They were moved there some years after his death, according to legend year 1129. Saint Botvid is mentioned as a saint as early as in the 1190's. He is depicted in many churches around Lake Malaren. The municipality of Botkyrka has Saint Botvid in its emblem.
Saint Botvid is shown with two symbols: a fish and an axe. The fish reminds us of the time when he miraculously managed to fill two boats with fish even though he was in an area not suitable for fishing. The axe was the weapon that ended his life. Botvid had followed a slave that he had set free to the coast and Botvid is supposed to have been killed in his sleep close to the town of Nykoping.
Botvid's brother built a church in his honor after his death. It became a center of pilgrimage where people from a large geographical area came to worship. Saint Bridget (Birgitta) mentioned Saint Botvid in her revelations.
The existence of Saint Botvid has never been questioned since all historical monuments are accordant when it comes to him and his family. He lived during a time of change which you can see on The monument of Botvid where there is writing using the old Nordic alphabet as well as the Latin alphabet.
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