
Spinvis (Erik de Jong) is a Dutch singer and songwriter. He was born in Spijkenisse,
2 februari 1961. He sings and plays lots of instruments. He won the Popprice, Zilveren Harp,
Annie M.G Smidt price and the Johnny van Doorn price. So he is a polulair artist in Holland.
His songs are all written in Dutch, which is special for someone who writes songs in Holland,
because most of the songwriters write in English.
But why?! I love our language. His texts are very poetic and beautiful, and the music is full
of deep bass tones and dreamy piano chords. He describes things just the way they are, nothing
is romanticized.
His honesty makes the songs special. For example his song "Ik Wil Alleen Maar Zwemmen".
It's a story about the will to swim. Nothing special, but the way he describes it, makes it
interesting and you can feel breeze of the summer in it. I love poetry and music, so Spinvis is
my absolute Dutch hero.
And here is a rough translation of the song.
"Ik Wil Alleen Maar Zwemmen" ("I only wanna swim")
Hey, I have no problem
I fixed everything
I wanna say something but I can't remember.
It was certainly nothing important
The day is still young, she vibrates in the sun
I count the echo's in the staircase
I hear someone sing
Hey, I only wanna swim.
Hey, the city is silence
She ticks as a bomb, and when you look backwards
You see something which nobody will see.
The city is undressing
She drinks like a bride
I hear her sing
Hey, I don't want to hear what the doctor thought
Or what you do when this keeps on going
I don't want to know what that little goat finally has produced.
I only wanna swim
Na, na, na, na.
Hey, I have no problem
And nobody is weird
Only to see how you walk the stairs
I’m a simple man.
The man in the street says its never too late
I’m no soldier but I know how to pull the trigger.
I only wanna swim!
I fixed everything
I wanna say something but I can't remember.
It was certainly nothing important
The day is still young, she vibrates in the sun
I count the echo's in the staircase
I hear someone sing
Hey, I only wanna swim.
Hey, the city is silence
She ticks as a bomb, and when you look backwards
You see something which nobody will see.
The city is undressing
She drinks like a bride
I hear her sing
Hey, I don't want to hear what the doctor thought
Or what you do when this keeps on going
I don't want to know what that little goat finally has produced.
I only wanna swim
Na, na, na, na.
Hey, I have no problem
And nobody is weird
Only to see how you walk the stairs
I’m a simple man.
The man in the street says its never too late
I’m no soldier but I know how to pull the trigger.
I only wanna swim!
Çà êîíòàêò/fuer Kontakt: helden_und_heilige@abv.bg