Vincent van Gogh - the saint

Vincent van Gogh was born on the 30th of March in the year of 1853 in a small town called Zundert, is located in the southern part of the Netherlands. Zundert is located in a predominantly catholic province called South Brabant. Religion and art where the two most important subjects in Van Gogh’s life. Vincent was named after his brother who died exactly one year before the birth of the great Vincent van Gogh that we all know.
The great Van Gogh struggled with mental illness, that’s a well known fact, some even belief that the origin of Van Gogh's mental illness comes from the psychological trauma Van Gogh suffered, because he always felt that he took the place of his dead brother that was born on the same day one year before Van Gogh himself. This theory is not a fact it is just a speculation that many believe.
Van Gogh worked as an art seller for many years, he even traveled to France to sell paintings but this wasn’t Van Gogh’s calling. He did not find that until he became a pastor for poor mineworkers and their families. In a village called Wasmes he found his calling, painting the mineworkers and families.
Everybody knows the great Vincent van Gogh as a painter but, he also was an humanitarian that did everything within his power to make the mineworkers suffer less. He was such a loving person that he gave all of his clothes and belongings to the poor. His empathy went to such an extend that the church put him out of his official duty. But Van Gogh went to the neighboring town to keep contact with the miners. This is why I do not see Van Gogh as the most important and influential hero that came from the Netherlands. I see him as a saint, even a very important one, maybe the most important one?
Van Gogh was an unique artist who worked with a sense of urgency which caused him a great deal of stress. He was famed for his daring, dramatic brush strokes which expressed emotion and added a feel of movement to his works. In the 70 days leading up to his death, he averaged one painting per day. Van Gogh was believed to have committed suicide, he died from a gunshot but the gun was never found.
Van Gogh’s life was very tragic filled with mental evils and artistic triumphs. While he was alive he only sold one painting and probably believed that his life was a terrible failure. After his death his paintings broke multiple records and where sold for hundreds of millions, that’s the reason why I pay homage in my tribute to the great Vincent van Gogh the saint.
May he rest in peace.
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