Paedagogische Hochschule Salzburg - Austria

Salzburg Teacher Training College (i. e. Paedagogische Hochschule Salzburg)
combines basic teacher training and professional continuing education
emphasizing future-oriented educational research. Holistic in its approach,
the institution incorporates modern pedagogical impulses and regional and
international networking. It offers training that assimilates "Head, hands
and heart!".
Our task and responsibility for the future is to secure a solid education
for society in order to ensure the economic development of our country.
More than 1,000 students are enrolled at Salzburg Teacher Training College.
After three years of study, graduates are awarded a B. A. degree
("Bachelor of Education") (180 EC) and may then hold teaching positions
at elementary, middl ("Hauptschule"), and special education schools ...
They also go on to make their master, to study at universities.
We offer a wide variety of educational experience in an open-minded and
partner-oriented working climate. Personal and social qualities have equal
value as does knowledge of method and subject. At cooperating schools,
practical experience can be gained, tested and strengthened. The students
can take part in international exchange programs and study at more than 25
affiliated colleges.
Our goal is to effectively train teachers in passing on their responsible
and open-minded attitudes to future generations.
Grundtvig project "Identity formation through music, literature and art"
Gottfried von Einem - Georg Trakl - Gunter Bruns
Ingeborg Becker - Music
Peter Haudum - Literature
Hartwig Kaltner - Art