Muintearas, An Togra Oideachas Gaeltachta
Muintearas is an organisation concerning itself with every aspect of
education and community development in the Irish Gaeltacht and is active
in the areas of Early Childhood Development, Primary Education, Development
of Teaching Materials, Youth Programmes, (Irish) Language Assistance, ICTs,
Education and Training and Research. Muintearas grew out of an identified need
in the local community in the Connamara Gaeltacht where parents were concerned
about the education of their children. Research by Muintearas highlighted issues
about community attitudes, access to education in the community language and cultural
appropriateness of prevailing educational structures. Muintearas has established
close links with community and educational organisations all over Europe under
various European programmes and even its staff composition reflects this international
Muintearas is employing 45 full-time personnel and is involved in various human resource
development interventions at the chalkface or coalface of Gaeltacht communities.
This institution has presented and published a number of papers, publications on
educational matters and aspects of community development pertaining to rural peripheral
regions. The institution is to the fore in the effort to sustain the use and viability
of the Irish Language in the Gaeltacht area into the future. The employees have also vast
experience and knowledge in the areas of Early Child Development and Education for the
To learn more just click HERE.